NTSC-J (JP 1.0)


JP is faster than PAL by ~1.7 seconds, and JP is more likely to hit early cycle in PV5 which saves an additional 20-30 seconds.

Why is JP 1.7 seconds faster?

Other Version Differences

NTSC-J A (JP 1.1)

jp 11.jpg

A somewhat rare (~1/20) updated version of JP 1.0, featuring small patches making it more similar to NTSC-U or PAL.

Version Differences

PAL (1.1)


PAL is the European version of the game, and the second fastest version.

Version Differences

NTSC-U (1.1)


The slowest version since it is PAL, but with no language options or fast fades, losing +19.65 seconds.

NTSC-K (1.1)

The Korean version, identical to NTSC-U but it can run on JP consoles.

3D All-Stars (Switch)
